Sunday, July 3, 2016

Document all VMs and their associated resources

So this one was out of necessity.  When I started my new job I quickly realized that our AV solution was used to lock out workstation directories like AppData and c:\temp.  These security settings meant I couldn’t run RVTools to document my virtual environment.  I have always pulled out data from VMware so I can monitor growth patterns and now I couldn’t use my process so I had to find another way.  That’s when I came up with the script below.  It’s not all the information RVTools would provide but it’s enough to understand growth and when to add hosts to the cluster.
 Start of script
 Connect-VIServer 'YourServer' -user YourDomain\YourUser -Password YourPassword
 Get-VMHost | Select-Object Name, State, ConnectionState, PowerState, VMSwapfileDatastoreId, VMSwapfilePolicy, ParentId, IsStandalone, Manufacturer, Model, NumCpu, CpuTotalMhz, CpuUsageMhz, LicenseKey, MemoryTotalMB, MemoryTotalGB, MemoryUsageMB, MemoryUsageGB, ProcessorType, HyperthreadingActive, TimeZone, Version, Build, Parent, VMSwapfileDatastore, StorageInfo, NetworkInfo, DiagnosticPartition, FirewallDefaultPolicy, ApiVersion, MaxEVCMode, CustomFields, ExtensionData, Id, Uid, Client, DatastoreIdList | Sort-Object Name | Export-Csv 'C:\temp\vCenter.csv' -NoClobber –NoTypeInformation
 Disconnect-VIserver * -confirm:$false
 End of script
 Also if you want to email the exported file you can use the send-MailMessage command.  That can be found here:

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