was asked today to document all the vSwitches in all of my standalone ESXi
host. Initially I was going to log into each and document everything in
excel but I knew there was a more efficient way. So I started to google
and got dozens of sites back and dug through them all and finally found one
that worked for me. I was able to run through one host at a time, but I
wanted it to be better. So I added an import and for each with some
squiggly brackets then piped that out to a text file. See
below for full PowerCLI script with my modifications. Original script before my changes can
be found here: http://kunaludapi.blogspot.com
Start of script
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.core
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Vds
C:\temp\ESXi_Server_Names.csv | foreach {
Connect-viServer -server $_.Server -User root
-Password "your password"
$Collection = @()
$Esxihosts = Get-VMHost | Where-Object
{$_.ConnectionState -eq "Connected"}
foreach ($Esxihost in $Esxihosts) {
$Esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $Esxihost
$Esxihostview = Get-VMHost $EsxiHost |
$NetworkSystem =
$Networkview = Get-View $NetworkSystem
$DvSwitchInfo = Get-VDSwitch -VMHost
if ($DvSwitchInfo -ne $null) {
$DvSwitchHost =
$DvSwitchHostView = Get-View
$VMhostnic =
$DVNic =
$VMnics = $Esxihost |
get-vmhostnetworkadapter -Physical
Foreach ($VMnic in $VMnics){
$realInfo =
$pNics = $esxcli.network.nic.list() |
where-object {$vmnic.name -eq $_.name} | Select-Object Description, Link
$Description =
$CDPextended =
if ($vmnic.Name -eq $DVNic) {
$vSwitch = $DVswitchInfo |
where-object {$vmnic.Name -eq $DVNic} | select-object -ExpandProperty Name
else {
$vSwitchname = $Esxihost |
Get-VirtualSwitch | Where-object {$_.nic -eq $VMnic.DeviceName}
$vSwitch = $vSwitchname.name
$CDPdetails = New-Object PSObject
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name EsxName
-Value $esxihost.Name -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name VMNic -Value
$VMnic -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name vSwitch
-Value $vSwitch -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Link -Value
$pNics.Link -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name PortNo -Value
$CDPextended.PortId -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Device-ID
-Value $CDPextended.devID -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Switch-IP
-Value $CDPextended.Address -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name MacAddress
-Value $vmnic.Mac -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name SpeedMB
-Value $vmnic.ExtensionData.LinkSpeed.SpeedMB -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Duplex -Value
$vmnic.ExtensionData.LinkSpeed.Duplex -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Pnic-Vendor
-Value $pNics.Description -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Pnic-drivers
-Value $vmnic.ExtensionData.Driver -MemberType NoteProperty
$CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name PCI-Slot
-Value $vmnic.ExtensionData.Pci -MemberType NoteProperty
$collection += $CDPdetails
$Collection | Sort-Object esxname, vmnic | ft
* | Out-File C:\Temp\ESXi_Net.txt -Width 300 -append
Disconnect-VIserver * -confirm:$false }
of script
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